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CERES Report: Investing in the Future: Unlocking Value Through Avoided Emissions

August 24, 2024
California, US
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This  report provides guidance to help investors identify climate solutions and  capitalize on the low-carbon transition

The Ceres report  introduces an investor perspective on avoided emissions—the expected  emissions that a low-carbon product, technology, or service prevents or saves  compared to a higher-carbon product, technology, or service it replaces in  the market.

With climate change  affecting global supply chains, consumer behaviour, and regulatory  landscapes, this guide lays out how investors can use avoided emissions to  identify solutions that address climate risks and investment opportunities  from the shift to a low-carbon economy. It walks through the steps to  calculate avoided emissions, providing questions investors can ask along the  way to use to better understand the underlying assumptions used in the  calculation.

The transition to  the clean economy is a massive investment opportunity, requiring an estimated  $125 to $275 trillion by 2050, driving demand for emerging industries,  technologies, products, and services. This demand is being catalysed by key  government incentives including the Inflation Reduction Act that help de-risk  these climate finance opportunities and make them more attractive to private  capital.