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Outdoor by ISPO: Outdoor Industry: The leading climate and global sustainability solution provider?

June 4, 2024
Munich, Germany
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OutDoor  by ISPO 2024, held on June 3–5, 2024, in Munich, was a key event for the  outdoor industry, with a strong emphasis on sustainability across its three  pillars: Product, Planet, and People.

The  first day focused on “Think New - Your Products,” where over 600 exhibitors  showcased innovative outdoor products. Sustainability was a central theme,  with many exhibitors highlighting eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient  production processes, and sustainable designs. The second day emphasized the  “Planet” pillar, with a strong focus on sustainability through the circular  economy. The final day centred on the “People” pillar, highlighting the  outdoor community’s role in promoting sustainability.

Dennis  Pamlin, Chief Executive Officer, Mission Innovation NCI, chaired the session "Why the outdoor industry  can be amongst the most important climate solution providers"  and presented the Outdoor Climate Innovation Initiative (OCII). This was a  follow-up of the launch at COP28, showing how the outdoor is moving into the  centre of the next generation of climate initiatives, that focus on  flourishing lives for all.

Massamba Thioye, Project Executive, UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub, set  the scene and welcomed the OCII as a Global innovation Project under the  UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub.  

The discussion panel included:

Arne Strate, General Secretary at European Outdoor  Group (EOG)

David Ekelund, Co-founder and co-CEO, Icebug

Christian Schneidermeier, CEO, ORTOVOX

Jan Lorch, CSO, VAUDE Sport

Heiko Buch-Illing, CEO, Outdoor  Institute

Pourya Salehi, Head of Urban Research, Innovation, and  Development Team, ICLEI