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UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub’s Sixth Systemic Innovation Workshop

June 11, 2024
Bonn, Germany
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The  Sixth Systemic Innovation Workshop, organized by the UN Climate Change Global  Innovation Hub (UGIH), took place on June 11-12, 2024, at the UN Campus in  Bonn. The event brought together cities, rural and urban communities, tech  innovators, financial experts, and UN representatives to explore ways to  accelerate climate and sustainability innovations.

The  workshop aimed to help participants envision sustainable futures for their  communities by focusing on how core human needs like nutrition, health, and  shelter can be met in a way that aligns with climate goals. The discussions centred  on identifying challenges, exploring existing solutions, and formulating new  Innovation Projects to address gaps.

Participants  discussed the challenges solution providers might face in adapting their  current resources and explored potential solutions that could be scaled up.  The workshop was collaborative, with participants forming ad-hoc working  groups to develop Innovation Projects, setting the stage for ongoing efforts  to develop and scale sustainable solutions, born out of the Innovation  Projects.

In  his address to the workshop, Jay Hennessy, Director of Mission  Innovation NCI, emphasised the need to move beyond efficiency gains in areas  such as fast fashion, and emphasised the importance of focusing on human  needs.