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ICLEI World Congress 2024: Research, Cities & Sustainability: Insights from the IPCC Special Report

June 18, 2024
São Paulo, Brazil
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Research, Cities & Sustainability: Insights from the IPCC Special  Report

This  ICLEI World Congress session provided expert  insights from representatives from the IPCC and academic community regarding  the upcoming IPCC Special Report on Cities and Climate Change. A highlight of  the process being taken is the inclusion of urban practitioners alongside  scientists to ensure the report is co-created by academia and urban  practitioners/policymakers from the outset. The panel discussed collaboration  to enhance the policy relevance of the report, and ways forward for the  report.


Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Vice-Chair of the  IPCC and ICLEI’s R&I Portfolio Holder

Amelia Clarke, Full Professor,  University of Waterloo

Dennis Pamlin, Chief Executive  Officer, The Net-Zero Compatibility Initiative, Mission Innovation

Martin Wainstein, Executive  Director, Open Earth Foundation

Pourya Salehi, Head of Urban  Research, Innovation, and Development, ICLEI World Secretariat