COP26 – Enablers for a 1.5 °C future with sustainable regenerative lifestyles: Exponential change and a new generation of climate leadership in support of flourishing lives for 11 billion
At the final dinner session organised by Mission Innovation’s Net-Zero Compatibility Initiative and UNFCCC at COP26, a leading group of organisations and stakeholders shared their views on best and next practises for enabling stakeholders to identify possible ways to provide support and tools that accelerate the uptake of sustainable lifestyles and structures in society that are 1.5 °C compatible, as well as to explore how the present stakeholders can develop tools and incentives that allow enablers globally to embrace an expanded solution agenda. The workshop included a discussion on what roles different stakeholders can have in relation to providing transformative solutions. The workshop was an important step for present stakeholders to start preparing for COP27 and a global sustainability agenda in the long term. Dennis Pamlin, Head/Senior Advisor, Mission Innovation’s Net-Zero Compatibility Initiative/RISE; Massamba Thioye, Project Executive, UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub; Virpi Pahkinen, Choreographer and solo dancer; James Arbib, Founder/Co-Founder, Tellus Mater/Rethink X; Hanna Grahn, Sustainability Lead, Spotify; Tobias Engström, CEO & Co-founder, Klevgrand; Emma Stewart, Sustainability Officer, Netflix; Eva Karlsson, CEO, Houdini; Johan Falk, Lead author, 1.5 °C Business Playbook; Marco Duso, Principle, BCG