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ICLEI World Congress 2024: Agenda-Setting and Human-Need-Centered Innovation

June 18, 2024
ICLEI World Congress 2024: Connect leading-edge science with real-world impact
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Agenda-Setting and Human-Need-Centered Innovation

With  a step into the future, this ICLEI World Congress session  included a panel of innovation experts exploring disruptive technologies and  pioneering solutions that move beyond optimization toward redefining systems.  As a catalyst for change, the session explored how a human needs-based  approach can address global challenges, including the climate emergency,  while providing flourishing lives for current and future populations. From  exploring a full climate risk approach to action, the role of incubators, and  thought leaders’ identified ways forward, the session immersed the audience  in how cities can leverage a demand-driven approach to become solution  leaders turning global challenges into impactful opportunities for systemic  change.


Dennis  Pamlin, Chief Executive Officer, The Net-Zero Compatibility  Initiative, Mission Innovation

Smita  Rakesh, Partner, Social Alpha/Clean Energy International Incubation  Centre (CEIIC)

Gabriella  Santanna, Head of Startups, CUBO

Heiko  Buch-Illing, CEO, Outdoor Institute/Silkeborg

David  Ekelund, CEO, Icebug