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ICLEI World Congress 2024: Connect leading-edge science with real-world impact

June 21, 2024
São Paulo, Brazil
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With work already  underway on the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities, due in  2027,  this  ICLEI World Congress session provided cities and  subnational governments with an unparalleled opportunity to gain insights  from leading IPCC experts about the objectives and potential scope of the  special report. Participants also learned about the state of climate change  science and gained perspectives from local and regional governments on how  the report could change the state of play for city climate action and what  the priorities could be for the upcoming report.

Key agendas for  city-led research and innovation were explored to clarify existing aims and  motivations, identify research gaps and priorities, and examine regional  research and innovation needs to expedite climate change action in urban  areas. The session also included a discussion of the ICLEI Global Research & Innovation Strategy, updated this year to catalyze and steer  collaborative research initiatives that empower subnational governments to  accelerate sustainable development underpinned by robust research. 


Alison Shaw, Executive Director, Community-Centred Climate Innovation & ACT Action on Climate Team, Simon Fraser University

Dennis Pamlin, Chief Executive Officer, The Net-Zero Compatibility Initiative, Mission Innovation  

Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Vice-Chair of the IPCC, Full Professor at Central European University, and ICLEI’s Research & Innovation Portfolio Holder  

Felix Doehler, Head of Component Climate & Finance, Sector Project Cities, GIZ, Germany  

Martin Wainstein, Founder and Executive Director of Open Earth Foundation  

Saharnaz Mirzazad, Incoming Executive Director, ICLEI United States Office